What is the Harlem Shake?
For those of you that know what it is, you can agree it is impossible to describe with words, but here's my attempt. It consists of a group of people going about their day, except one person who is dancing and often wearing a weird helmet or outfit. Once the music, "Harlem Shake" by Bauuer, reaches the drop, the scene cuts to everyone dancing in a ballistic fashion.
Just watch this video of an office edition of the Harlem Shake for example.
The iPhone App
The app for iPhone is simply called 'The Harlem Shake.' This app also does a pretty good job at explaining what the Shake is to the unenlightened with some examples. Its function is pretty basic as it just allows you to film two separate clips, before and after the drop, and it syncs the music for optimum quality. For those on iOS that want their own Harlem Shake...go nuts!
The Android App
The app for Android is called more uniquely as Harlem Shake Creator Lite. It has basically the same function as the Apple Version with easy step-by-step instructions and explanations. The only downfall of this one is that the pro version is required to save videos to your device. This can be easily avoided as you can simply upload the video on YouTube with any Google Account as private and then use a video downloader to download the file.
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